Private businesses with a turnover of AU$3 million dollars or more operating in Australia must comply with the Privacy Act in relation to customer and other personal information they collect. Certain other prescribed businesses have obligations irrespective of their turnover. Obligations include having a clearly expressed and up to date privacy policy and notifying affected […]
When the unfair contract terms provisions of the Australian Consumer Law were extended to apply to small business contracts in late 2016, some users of these contracts made no changes or took a fairly “light touch” approach to reviewing their template agreements. This is possibly because it was unlikely a dispute over whether a clause […]
Software is a key asset of many businesses. It may be essential to the ongoing operation of the business. Accordingly, significant business interruption and loss could be suffered if a business owner lost the ability to effectively use, maintain or modify that software. This could occur if the software was developed or is maintained by […]
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