Cobie Fryer

Law Clerk

Cobie is a law clerk with over 20 years’ experience in the legal industry as a paralegal.
Specialising in commercial and property law, Cobie’s areas of expertise include:

• preparation of commercial leases;
• assisting with landlord enforcement actions;
• company and business name registrations;
• assisting with preparation of franchise agreements, disclosure documents and associated matters for national franchise systems;
• assisting with property settlements;
• preparation of estate planning documents; and
• assisting with managing trade mark portfolios.

Cobie is currently studying a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) with the University of South Australia.
In addition to her legal experience, Cobie has also spent time working within Government and the mining industry in Kalgoorlie and Olympic Dam.
Cobie enjoys building relationships with clients and assisting them to achieve positive outcomes.

Warning – Australian Trade Mark Scam

Posted on BY Cobie Fryer

Please be aware that there has been an increase in fraudulent activity concerning scam emails which purport to come from legitimate registered patent and/or trade mark attorneys alerting clients to urgent trade mark matters and using scare tactics to encourage them to call a nominated number. We have been contacted by a number of clients […]

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